Ergonomic Interventions for the Soft Drink Beverage Delivery Industry
Developed by: NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)
Description: A 94-page report of a study designed and implemented in 1996 looking at workers who handle and deliver soft drinks at a plant in the midwestern US. The report contains a description of the health risk factors faced by these workers, data collected from a sample of the workers at that plant, an assessment of safety and ergonomic interventions intended to reduce the health risks posed to these workers, a discussion of the data collected with respect to the scientific literature on the topic (circa 1996), and a series of recommendations based on these data.
The document is written similarly to an academic research paper and may be challenging to parse for users not experienced with that style of writing.
Keywords: beverage, drink, driver, carry, load, unload, lift, lower, academic, soft drink, back, intervention, data