Office Ergonomics Guide (OHCOW)

Developed by: OHCOW (Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers)

Description: A detailed guide on how to set up an office workstation in a way that is appropriate for the job while reducing the risk of musculoskeletal disorders. This resource gives a general introduction to the field of ergonomics, and provides specific guidelines on desk shape, chair choices, monitor placement, mouse and keyboard choices, portable electronic devices (laptops, tablets, etc.), sit-stand desks, home-office considerations, and the working environment. Each guideline has diagrams and illustrations and a list of pros and cons when there are multiple options to consider.

Keywords: office, desk, workstation, chair, monitor, mouse, keyboard, phone, laptop, tablet, home office, lighting, temperature, comfort, noise

Do you want to visit this resource?
Office Ergonomics Guide (OHCOW) - Hyperlink (65-page pdf)