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Hyperlink; Hazard Control–An information sheet for janitorial and cleaning workers with tips about handling and using wheeled cleaning carts.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–An information sheet for packing workers in forest nurseries with general recommendations and specific examples.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–An information sheet for a conveyor belt wrapping station in forestry nurseries with general recommendations and specific examples.
Developed by: WorkSafe BCDescription: 'Over 50 percent of injuries in the accommodation industry involve room attendants (housekeeping staff). This video series demonstrates safe work procedures and…
woman sitting on an office chair with her hands on her low back to indicate pain
This 6 minute video demonstrates proper techniques for high dusting, wet mopping, bucket handling, mop wringing, and garbage handling.
Hyperlink; A comprehensive guide on how to prevent lower back injuries related to lifting or transferring patients in healthcare professionals. Includes tools and checklists, and information on…
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–Describes the MSD risks related to transferring patients, including a description of patient transfer options and their utility.

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