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Shoulder injuries have the longest average recovery time in comparison to all other body regions.
mannequins showing examples of how to position the back.
The low back is the most commonly injured body part due to workplace hazards in Canada.
mannequins showing examples of how to position the knee when doing a lunge, with the hips knee and ankle aligned
Knee injuries represent half of all lower extremity lost-time claims in Ontario.
mannequin sitting in a car seat with a laptop on their lap
How to set up for short term, in-vehicle mobile device use, such as laptops and tabletsFor your safetyNever use mobile devices when operating a vehicleEnsure the vehicle is parked safely (away from…
Recorded videos of the CRE-MSD conference on Manual Handling: Where Exoskeletons Fit Within Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD) Prevention Strategies held on October 3, 2022. Playlist includes the…
This playlist contains all the Client/Patient handling Community of Practice (CoP) webinars on our YouTube channel.View the webpage for more information about our client/patient handling CoP.  
This playlist contains all the webinars hosted by CRE-MSD in 2023. 

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