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Provide height adjustability in a standing workstation. Establish a suitable working height depending on the type of work being done (i.e. precision, light or heavy work).
Implement well-designed job rotation. Add different tasks to the job to increase the variety of activities. Include flexibility in the job so the worker can control pace of work. Use a work/rest…
List of general control strategies for hand work and gripping.
Provide carts that have vertical or height-adjustable handles to enable different-sized workers to position their hands between waist and shoulder height. Use larger wheels on carts and bins as this…
Strong and Natural Positions of Hands and Wrists in Pinch Grip Image The object is held by the tips of the thumb and fingers.
Learn about the Pinch Grip through this CRE-MSD YouTube video. 
Workstation height for manual tasks is based on the type of task: Precision Tasks Delicate hand tasks typically requiring high visual demands:Examples: writing, small parts assembly, inspection…

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