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Learn about the power grip through this CRE-MSD YouTube video. 
To help workplaces design and assess lifting and lowering tasks, the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, or ACGIH for short, developed an assessment tool. The tool is called…
Major factors that increase the risk of developing an MSD are the gripping force of the hand and the repetition of hand use. This video describes how to quantify repetition using the Hand Activity…
This video describes how to quantify repetition using the Hand Activity Level (HAL) Scale. The HAL Scale was developed to rate the repetitiveness of hand use. it also accounts for recovery time and…
To help workplaces design and assess lifting and lowering tasks, the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, or ACGIH for short, developed an assessment tool. The tool is called…
What is Root Cause Analysis?Root Cause Analysis is a general approach to understanding the contributing factors or causes of an incident, such as development of MSD. It can help develop actions that…

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