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thumbnail image for quick employee survey document
5 question survey to collect opinions of implemented changes/improvements that have been made to a job or workstation.
MSD hazard summary sheet thumbnail
Examples of MSD hazards Force, Posture, Repetition, and Others provided below. Download this resource for additional images that demonstrate these hazards.
eliminating and controlling MSD risks thumbnail
Developing solutions worksheetIf agreement on the root cause(s) is not reached, an in-depth risk assessment may be required. See part 3B: MSD Prevention Toolbox – Beyond the Basics.What is the MSD we…
msd prvention project summary thumbnail
Printable form including prompts users to insert the following information:
The checklist is a detailed screening method for workers performing in-car computing such as police officers in cruisers. It also provides the user with simple recommendations on ways to improve the…
Risk assessment checklist that considers grip force, manual material handling (MMH) tasks, awkward postures, static postures, repetition, impacts, and vibration.
Proficiency in mobility and manual skills is essential for quality of life for both caregivers and clients. This webinar will review efforts to improve the mobility and manual skills of providers…

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