Identification and Implementation of Control
On this page
This refers to “Control” in RACE. The organization should have a process for identifying, and implementation of appropriate controls to address MSD hazards. This is the most critical step in prevention of MSD. These control actions then need to be prioritized as a set of targets and goals. (Note: employers have the obligation to control all recognized hazards, including those related to the development of MSD). For more information refer to Step 5.0 of basic or comprehensive guideline.
Identification of controls
Before proceeding to identification of controls, check if:
- MSD hazards have been identified (recognized) and preliminary or further risk assessment has determined that control of the hazard is needed.
- An in-depth “Root Cause Analysis” has identified the underlying cause(s) of the hazard.
- The overall work processes are well understood – not just one workstation.
- Participation of workers and other knowledgeable persons including technical specialists or supervisors has been secured.
If not, obtain the required information and participation
Hierarchy of Controls
Although attractive to some, worker focused actions such as “lift training” have NOT been shown to be effective for prevention of MSD. An in-depth Root Cause Analysis and the guidance of the Hierarchy of Controls below is essential in eliminating hazards and controlling risks in a sustainable way.
The organization need to identify training and education needs for successful prevention of MSD.
Level in Hierarchy | Description | Strengths | Limitations | Examples |
Eliminate hazard | After MSD hazard is identified, the best solution is to eliminate it |
Substitute hazard | The hazard can be substituted with another approach that creates smaller MSD risks |
Engineering controls | Design of the physical workplace to reduce MSD hazards by machinery, tools or equipment |
Administrative controls | Changes to work organization such as
Training and awareness | Designed to change a workers’ knowledge or behaviour such as
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) | Barriers between the individual and the hazard that are worn by a worker |
Activities to identify controls
- Use tools such as 5 Why and Fishbone Diagram to help determine the root cause(s) of the MSD hazard.
- Use brainstorming sessions with workers to identify solutions that eliminate the root causes of MSD hazards or reduce their effects.
- Use the resources in the resource library under 'Hazard Control' search filters
- Use other resources on the internet, trade associations and other similar workplaces to identify solutions that others have found effective in eliminating reducing or reducing MSD related hazards.
If you require additional support, ask for help.
Related Resources
Case Study: Program
Case Study: Program
Case Study: Assessment Method
This is the transfer equipment resource preamble document. View and download the transfer equipment resource.
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Developed by: University of Michigan Description: Video of a linen soil sorting task. Identifies hazards and controls.
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Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A guideline on how to implement a safe client handling program in five steps. Each step provides a general framework and links to other resources.
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Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A book about safe patient handling and safe mobility programs with design, business, facilitation, and evaluation perspectives
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Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A series of five videos with strategies to prevent musculoskeletal disorders in dental health workers.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A framework to help workplaces establish and maintain safe patient handling programs in hospitals and similar acute health-care settings.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A detailed report and two auxiliary checklists that aim to reduce musculoskeletal disorders in grocery distribution workplaces.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–An information sheet for assembly line workers in forest nurseries with general recommendations and specific examples.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–An information sheet for a conveyor belt wrapping station in forestry nurseries with general recommendations and specific examples.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–An information sheet for conveyor belt workers in forest nurseries with general recommendations and specific examples.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–An information sheet for packing workers in forest nurseries with general recommendations and specific examples.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A short explanation of and argument for participatory ergonomics programs using general benefits and specific examples.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A set of risk factors and recommendations to prevent musculoskeletal disorders in workers that use rotary die presses.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A set of risk factors and recommendations to prevent musculoskeletal disorders in workers that use flat-bed die presses.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–Information about safe practices using hand tools with guidelines for communicating these practices with workers.
Safety Talk: Gloves - Hyperlink (7-page pdf)
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–Information about safe lifting practices with guidelines for communicating these practices with workers.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A magazine article with six recommendations to reduce musculoskeletal disorders in mechanical, sheet metal, and similar workers.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–An outline of risks and suggested work practices for three roofing tasks.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A guide to using laptops as a work device in a way that reduces the risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A quick reference guide for good practices when shoveling or digging split into three categories: preparation, technique, and organization.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–An information sheet for janitorial and cleaning workers with tips about handling and using wheeled cleaning carts.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A summary of hazards and control measures for manual materials handling.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A summary of safe lifting and handling practices split into three categories: preparation, technique, and organization.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A series of lists describing hazards around manual materials handling, and ways to control those hazards.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A short overview of musculoskeletal disorders with four prevention guidelines for greenhouse workers.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A list of musculoskeletal risk factors and recommendations to reduce those risks for apple picker and similar manual harvesting workers.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A report from a Western Australia government agency on how to involve people and effectively intervene to prevent workplace musculoskeletal disorders.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A report describing the health benefits and concerns with those doing computer or similar work at a secondary or remote location, such as their home or a public workspace.
Hyperlink; Standard–A standard for preventing musculoskeletal disorders at construction worksites with both direct and indirect solutions to manage risks. The standard is purchasable at the link.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–An app that lets users track and record their musculoskeletal pain or discomfort to help them identify potential workplace hazards linked to their symptoms.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A tool to estimate the health risks of working outside in the cold based on temperature and wind speed.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A way to determine what size of mouse to use based on your hand length.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A guide on how to determine what size glove fits your hand.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A tutorial for common keyboard shortcuts in Windows and Mac operating systems. The resource is a slideshow and paired pdf document, available in English and French.
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Hyperlink; Standard–An international standard about lifting, lowering, and carrying objects at work. It provides a recommended weight limit based on features of the lift, its frequency, and duration…
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A detailed report describing data collected on soft drink delivery workers and interventions intended to make their jobs safer. This resource is written and reads like a…
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A document advocating for the use of lift-assists in nursing homes to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders. Includes information about how to implement a safe-…
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A collection of tip sheets and general information to help prevent musculoskeletal disorders in construction workers.
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Hyperlink; Hazard Control–An in-depth report on low back pain and injury in the mining industry explaining the risks, primary solutions, and secondary solutions.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A brief report on two equipment interventions to help reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders in baggage handlers and screeners.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A guideline for grocery store workplaces that focuses on ways to use lift-assist or carry-assist tools to prevent injuries related to lifting, bending, and carrying.
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Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A brief info sheet with tips to reduce risks linked to lifting and bending in childcare workers.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A detailed report describing ways to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders in shipyard workers. Solutions contain pictures with examples and are sorted based on…
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A detailed guideline to reduce musculoskeletal injuries for foundry workers. Includes solutions specific to tasks faced by foundry workers and has images to illustrate each…
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–An online training resource that trains users how to safely set up and use their office workstations. Available in English and French.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A case study describing how an office workstation was updated after moving locations to reduce worker complaints and musculoskeletal disorder risk.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–An overview about how driving can affect your health that covers the seat design, interfacing with the steering wheel and pedals, and other features of the car that could…
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A small hub for information on good practices for working with powered hand tools and other hand-operated machinery.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A hub of different information sheets about the health risks associated with lifting, lowering, carrying, holding, and other ways workers interact with objects in their hands
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A hub of different information sheets about the health risks associated with traditional and modern office work.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–An overview of how to effectively use conveyor belts at work in a way that can protect workers from injuries.
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Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A quick and straight-forward fact sheet about anti-fatigue mats to help users decide if they’re an appropriate tool for their workplace.
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Hyperlink; Hazard Control–Contains information to control risks for healthcare workers who make and clean around beds.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–An overview of risks associated with prolonged driving. Discusses risk related to sitting and vibration, as well as potential ways to reduce those risks.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A reference guide for selecting and using shovels or spades at work to mitigate MSD risks associated with digging and scooping tasks.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A description of the MSD risks and solutions to workers in a fish processing plant. The resource identifies two representative jobs, and assesses them on a task-by-task…
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–Describes work-related MSD risks faced by dental hygienists, including potential solutions to help mitigate these risks.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–Describes the MSD risks related to transferring patients, including a description of patient transfer options and their utility.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–Describes the MSD risks related to prolonged standing and walking at work. Includes general solutions to reduce these risks.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A factsheet about sit-stand workstations intended to help users decide if these workstations are appropriate for them.
Video; Hazard Control–A short video explaining potential MSD risks associated with a repetitive manual materials handling task. The video discusses risk factors and potential recommendations for this…
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A summary of an ergonomic intervention for library workers performing a book retrieval task. The resource includes a description of the issue identifies, changes implemented…
Video; Hazard Control–A short video explaining potential MSD risks associated with a manual materials handling task in an automotive factory setting. The video discusses risk factors and potential…
Video; Hazard Control–A short video explaining potential MSD risks associated with a repetitive manual materials handling task in a factory setting. The video discusses risk factors and potential…
Video; Hazard Control–A short video explaining potential MSD risks associated with an office workstation. The video discusses risk factors and potential recommendations for this type of work.
Video; Hazard Control–A short video explaining a sheet-folding task, identifying MSD risk factors associated with that task, and presenting recommendations to reduce those risks.
Hyperlink; Standard–An international standard about pushing and pulling. Includes general recommendations and specific scenarios like whole-body exertions, and exertions in a specific posture. The…
Hyperlink; Standard–An international standard about how long static or sedentary postures should be held for. Contains specific recommendations for the trunk, head, upper limbs, and lower limbs. The…
Hyperlink; Standard–An international standard acting as a guideline to reduce loads applied to workers. This standard presents a basic framework to assess these loads and refers to other standards…
Hyperlink; Standard–This resource is part 3 of 3 standards for workers interacting with objects in their hands. This standard specifically looks at lighter objects manipulated quickly or very…
CRE-MSD position paper. Authored by Heather Johnston.
CRE-MSD position paper. Authored by Wesley Killen and Tammy Eger.
CRE-MSD position paper. Authored by Diane E. Gregory and Jack P. Callaghan.
CRE-MSD position paper. Authored by Michael Greig, W. Patrick Neumann.
CRE-MSD position paper. Authored by Kayla M. Fewster & Jack P. Callaghan.
CRE-MSD position paper. Authored by Kayla M. Fewster & Clark R. Dickerson.
CRE-MSD position paper. Authored by Armstrong, D., Su-Wen Yap, B., & Fischer, S.L.
CRE-MSD position paper. Authored by Tyson Beach & Tilak Dutta.
CRE-MSD position paper. Authored by Marcus Yung and Richard Wells.
CRE-MSD position paper. Authored by Richard Wells.
CRE-MSD position paper. Authored by Megan Mekitiak, Michael Greig, and W. Patrick Neumann.
CRE-MSD position paper. Authored by Wesley Killen and Tammy Eger.
CRE-MSD position paper. Authored by David Rempel.
CRE-MSD position paper. Authored by Daniel Viggiani.
AuthorsDwayne Van Eerd, Ivan Steenstra, Kim Cullen, Emma Irvin
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The ProblemTasks required to finish drywall manually, like mudding and taping, demand high forces from the upper limbs and trunk in awkward positions.Awkward postures, such as bent wrists, back…
The ProblemWhether tying rebar together or fastening conduit to rebar with pliers, tying the wire requires workers to make repeated, fast hand and arm twisting movements while applying high grasp…
The ProblemWorkers mixing mortar or grout are required to lift heavy cement bags and buckets of water. Full cement bags weigh around 37 kg, and workers may handle more than 100 bags per day.…
The ProblemTransporting materials, equipment and supplies around worksites often demands high pushing/pulling or lifting forces, especially when stairs are an obstacle.For transporting heavy loads up…
The Problem: Manual Crimping
The ProblemUsing screw guns and other fastening tools at or near ground level require stooping, bending, kneeling, or squatting for long periods of time.Working repeatedly in these positions…
The ProblemA hand screed requires the worker to be bent over, using a strong grip to pull the board over the wet concrete.Workers exert a lot of shoulder and arm force repeatedly.Doing this work…
The ProblemMaintenance workers are exposed to extremely high forces when handling maintenance hole covers. To remove the hole cover or frame, a pry bar is used and then the cover or frame is dragged/…
The ProblemWhen building and installing bulkheads, wood is used - usually scrap material from the site.Constructing bulk heads involves a number of awkward postures, including stooping or kneeling.…
The ProblemLoading and unloading mixers requires awkward and twisting postures. When workers mix grout and mortar in the traditional way, they have to repeatedly shovel sand into the mixer.…
The ProblemConstruction workers who operate boom trucks often have to maintain static awkward neck postures.Neck extension is required to look up at the end of the boom. This posture increases…
The ProblemConstruction work performed at floor level often requires workers to stoop, squat or kneel for prolonged periods of time.Biomechanical research shows that high compression forces occur in…
The ProblemWhen workers deliver grout using the traditional method, they have to shovel loads of grout into buckets and then carry the buckets to the masons.Full buckets of grout weigh around 32 kgs…
The ProblemWalls are constructed on the ground in a horizontal position. After the wall is built, a framing crew lifts the wall to an upright position.Workers are exposed to extremely high forces…
The ProblemWorkers are often required to climb on and off flatbed trailers to retrieve supply shipments and unload/load equipment.It is difficult to safely limb on and off the flatbed trailer…
The ProblemDrilling holes in ceilings requires working on ladders or elevated work platforms.The work involves repeated forceful exertions while working above the shoulder.This task can be repeated…
Concern DetailsTask DescriptionOne worker is responsible for unloading all packages off a skid onto an automated conveyor. Initially the task was performed without the use of a pallet lifter, at a…
BackgroundWhen packages exit the cubing machine, they are sorted into cages and carts for transport or to be pushed to different areas around the facility to be sorted further. Workers are required…
Concern Details Task DescriptionCourier drivers are required to deliver and load packages through the rear door of the truck numerous times throughout the day (up to 80 times in a shift). Forces…
For the Driver:Store heavier packages off the floor and ideally between knee and shoulder height and lift packages one at a time.Follow good lifting techniques – refer to “Lifting Safety” brochure by…
Introduction: Loads transported on flatbed trailers must often be covered with large tarps or other covering systems to protect them from the elements. Manual tarping requires drivers to lift…
Case study.
Concern Details Background: Truck drivers spend extended periods of time sitting in their trucks. Occupational drivers have also been shown to increase risk for developing musculoskeletal…
Concern DetailsBackground:Multiple stations in the recycling facility have workers visually inspect recyclable material that is traveling down an automated conveyer. The workers are required to…
How to set up for short term, in-vehicle mobile device use, such as laptops and tabletsFor your safetyNever use mobile devices when operating a vehicleEnsure the vehicle is parked safely (away from…
What to look for and how to adjust your vehicle.NOTE: Each vehicle make and model has different features and controls. Refer to the manufacturer's manual for more information on your vehicle.
A known MSD risk strongly related to the development of shoulder and neck injuries and pain. Image
Knee injuries represent half of all lower extremity lost-time claims in Ontario.
The low back is the most commonly injured body part due to workplace hazards in Canada.
Shoulder injuries have the longest average recovery time in comparison to all other body regions.
Administrative control and organizational strategy used to reduce continuous exposure to musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) hazards.NOTE: Job rotation on its own is not an effective MSD hazard…
Workstation height for manual tasks is based on the type of task: Precision Tasks Delicate hand tasks typically requiring high visual demands:Examples: writing, small parts assembly,…
Webinar - Exercise-based MSD prevention programs: Development of a daily movement practice strategy to facilitate implementation and sustainability (Fall 2017)Webinar descriptionWhen fundamental…
Proficiency in mobility and manual skills is essential for quality of life for both caregivers and clients. This webinar will review efforts to improve the mobility and manual skills of…
Strong and Natural Positions of Hands and Wrists in Pinch Grip Image The object is held by the tips of the thumb and fingers.
Strong and Natural Positions of Hands and Wrists using Power Grip Image Power grip: The object touches the palm of the hand and the fingers.
Strong and Natural Positions of Hands and Wrists using Pistol Grip with a Tool Image Power grip: the object touches the palm of the hand and the fingers.
Posture Description Image
Strong and Natural Positions for Hands and Wrists: Standard Computer Keyboard Image
Animated video demonstrating examples of manual materials handling (MMH) solutions to eliminate or control musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) hazards in manufacturing & warehousing workplaces. Manual…
This playlist contains all the webinars hosted by CRE-MSD in 2023.
This playlist contains all the webinars hosted by CRE-MSD in 2023.
This playlist contains all the Client/Patient handling Community of Practice (CoP) webinars on our YouTube channel.View the webpage for more information about our client/patient handling CoP. …
Recorded videos of the CRE-MSD conference on Manual Handling: Where Exoskeletons Fit Within Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD) Prevention Strategies held on October 3, 2022. Playlist includes the…
This video shows overhead work postures with examples of how to improve them. View the related poster resource.
Learn more about keyboard position and MSD risk in this CRE-MSD YouTube video.
Learn more about keyboard position and MSD risk in this CRE-MSD YouTube video.
Learn more about keyboard position and MSD risk in this CRE-MSD YouTube video.
Learn about choosing tool shapes through this CRE-MSD YouTube video.
Learn about the Pistol Grip through this CRE-MSD YouTube video.
Learn about the Pinch Grip through this CRE-MSD YouTube video.
Learn about the power grip through this CRE-MSD YouTube video.
Change it up Move early, before you feel pain and move often:
Table describing each level in the hierarchy with a description, strengths, limitations, and examples.
List of general control strategies for heavy, frequent or awkward lifting.
Provide height adjustability in a standing workstation. Establish a suitable working height depending on the type of work being done (i.e. precision, light or heavy work).
List of general control strategies for hand work and gripping.
Provide carts that have vertical or height-adjustable handles to enable different-sized workers to position their hands between waist and shoulder height. Use larger wheels on carts and bins as…
Implement well-designed job rotation. Add different tasks to the job to increase the variety of activities. Include flexibility in the job so the worker can control pace of work. Use a…
Concern Details
This 6 minute video demonstrates proper techniques for high dusting, wet mopping, bucket handling, mop wringing, and garbage handling.
Manual materials handling (MMH) poster shows solutions to control MSD hazards in manufacturing & warehousing. MMH includes lifting, lowering, carrying, pushing, pulling & gripping materials.